Pedicure And Manicure
“Manicure is advertising; pedicure is a pleasant surprise!” Clean and well maintained hands and legs are for sure a dream job of most of us. Good looking hands and legs surely make a great impression of a well groomed appearance. Today, manicures and pedicures keep a great importance is the cosmetic world because they enhance the appearance of hands and legs in a stunning way. However, it is not just about beauty or appearance, it is also about the health; and the mani-pedi treatments surely help in promoting greater health of your fingers, fingernails, toes and toenails. So, in this current article we will take a look on the most popular types of manicure and pedicure techniques, their benefits and also talk about the health risks or the dangers involved with such manicure and pedicure treatments.
Manicure usually includes a combination of a number of techniques and treatments and the treatment or techniques vary from spa to spa. Generally, manicure may include hand massages, cuticle treatment, exfoliation, drip dry, wax treatment and buffing, grooming of nails with application of nail polish. Various spas have different manicure packages and you need to choose a package that contains what you need for your hands and fingernails. There are also spas which offer different manicure packages for “Men” and “Women” manicure. For the best treat, you need to inform about the unique qualities of your skin while taking the appointment in the spa clinic.
Just like the manicure, even pedicures vary from spa to spa. There are various spas with their unique packages of pedicure and you need to choose the right one for you. However, generally the pedicure includes an assortment of the treatments like a foot soak, exfoliation, cuticle treatment, foot massage nail trimming and grooming, moisturizing and applying nail polish over the toenails. Pedicures are uniquely designed to eradicate the dead skin from the feet.